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Goldseek Announces 0.07% Copper Over 43.5m In Historical Reassaying At Beschefer Project


  • Assay results on historical drilling (BE12-010) returned 0.04% Cu over 106.5m, including:
    • 0.09% Cu over 18m
    • 0.07% Cu over 43.5m
  • Low-grade copper discovery adds base metal potential to a gold system currently being drilled with a 5.000m program 
  • The presence of higher-grade copper in historical drilling (2.30% Cu over 2.58m in BE11-002) supports the potential for economic intercepts amongst this system

September 9, 2021, London, OntarioAbitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK) (FSE:4KG) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce results from 500 meters of historical drilling previously unsampled at the Beschefer Project.   The Company was successful in identifying base metal potential through the identification of large intercepts of low-grade copper. The Beschefer Project is located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Wallbridge’s Fenelon Gold Project. On March 3rd, 2021, the Company entered into an option agreement on the Beschefer Project to earn 100% over 4 years from Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (see news release dated March 3, 2021) (“Wallbridge”).

The Company identified 500 meters of previously unsampled core from six holes located in the known mineralized hanging wall. Sectors investigated correspond to extensions or branches of a network of strong deformation and alteration zones developed in varied volcanic contexts, which may correspond to valuable targets.  

276 samples were taken and assayed for gold and base metals. Sporadic low-grade gold values between 0.05 and 0.17 g/t were obtained. As indicated in the Significant Assay Table, hole BE12-010 intersected a wide interval of low-grade copper mineralization with individual grades ranging from 0.02 – 0.13% for individual samples. This previously unknown mineralization is hosted in an intermediate volcanic breccia, associated with a few percent in volume of finely disseminated sulfides. A similar context was also identified in hole BE12-016 with lower results. 

Significant Assay Table


From (m)

To (m)

Length (m)

Cu (%)





















This is a significant development as it adds a base metals target within a high-grade gold system. The Company is reviewing the possibility of extending the sampling and reviewing the volcanic stratigraphic and alteration pattern to better understand the copper mineralization context in terms of 3D geometry and mineralization controls. The majority of historical drilling was not assayed for base metals; therefore, the base metal potential across the various gold zones is still to be determined. Following the review of data and additional sampling, new targets may be identified. 

The sampling and assaying program was performed and managed by Goldseek Resources. It included a complete QAQC procedure, including sampling duplicates, blanks and standard materials. The drill core was split with half sent to AGAT Labs in Timmins, ON, and fire assayed with an AA and gravimetric finish. In addition, all samples were treated with the 4Acid Digest multi-element package. 

About the Beschefer Project:

  • Advanced gold exploration project with significant near-term resource potential
  • Located in a favourable orogenic gold setting 45 km northeast of the Casa Berardi Mine and 30 km southwest of Wallbridge’s Fenelon Gold Project.
  • Highlights of the best intersections include 55.63 g/t gold over 5.57 metres in hole BE13-038 (including 224 g/t over 1.23m ; 13.95 g/t over 0.68m and 13.70 g/t over 0.73m), 13.07 g/t gold over 8.75 metres in hole B12-014 (including 58.5 g/t over 1.5m), 3.56 g/t gold over 28.4 metres in hole B14-006 (including 7.42 g/t over 5.5m), 10.28 g/t gold over 8.00 metres in hole B14-35 (including 86.74 g/t over 0.60m), and 12.40 g/t gold over 3.78 metres in hole B11-003. True width in these sections vary between 89% and 99% of the intercepted width.
  • The mineralization shows high-grade gold-bearing structures hosted in a lower grade envelope, which highlights the regional potential along the already defined shear zones located on the Property.
  • Continuous large-scale gold-bearing structure (B-14 Zone) with known continuity and additional known parallel mineralized shear zones.

Qualified Person

This press release was prepared by Martin Demers, P.Geo,OGQ, who is a qualified persons as defined under National Instrument 43-101, and who has ensure the execution of this program and reviewed and approved the technical information provided in this news release.

About Abitibi Metals Corp.

Abitibi Metals Corp. is a Canadian exploration company with a portfolio of assets in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. By identifying six projects in world-class mining locations, Goldseek is poised to deliver shareholder value through rigorous exploration and development on these properties. Our mission is to find the next major discovery in the mining camps of Urban Barry, Quevillon, Val D’Or, and Detour Gold Trend in Quebec and Hemlo in Ontario.


Jonathon Deluce

Chief Executive Officer 

Telephone: 226-271-5170

For more information, please contact:

Abitibi Metals Corp.


The reader is invited to visit Goldseek’s web site

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