AMQ [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="priceChange"]| AMQFF [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="priceChange"]|

Goldseek Resources Acquires the Southern Arm Property on the Detour Gold Trend

April 22, 2020 – TheNewswire – London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK) (CNSX:GSK.CN) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Southern Arm Property (the “Property”) by direct staking. The Brouillan-Fenelon volcanic belt has significant potential for gold and base metals. Property highlights include: 3,300+ hectares of Abitibi Greenstone VTEM target identified […]

Abitibi Metals Corp. Announces Listing on The Canadian Securities Exchange

London, Ontario – TheNewswire – March 6, 2020 – Abitibi Metals Corp. (“Goldseek”), a London, Ontario-based mineral exploration company, is pleased to announce it has fulfilled the requirements to be listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange. The Company’s common shares will commence trading at market open on March 9, 2020 under the stock symbol GSK. The Company has […]