AMQ [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="priceChange"]| AMQFF [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="priceChange"]|

Horizon Project

Key Facts


Hemlo Camp, 4 KM North of Hemlo Deposits


100% owned by Abitibi Metals
(Previously Goldseek Resources)


Gold and Base Metals


>5,000 Acres, Shares 5 KM of Border with Barrick Gold


Goldseek’s Horizon property represents a land position in a fertile Archean greenstone belt which hosts a world class gold camp. Apart from the 23Moz Hemlo deposit, the belt’s gold endowment in uncharacteristically low. In other Archean terranes, a greenstone belt which hosts a >20Moz gold endowed minerals system would normally host several additional >1Moz deposits, and numerous smaller deposits, prospects and showings. This absence of other deposits is likely due in part to overlying glacial cover which inhibits exploration. But also, in part lack of effective systematic exploration which speak to an overly model-driven focus on Hemlo-style mineralization and the arguments around the geological controls at Hemlo.

The presence of a porphyritic intrusion in the southeast corner of the project, the occurrence of intercalated mafic volcanics, metasediments, the existence of felsic metavolcanics, and a recently completed airborne VTEM survey and IP survey makes the area lithologically prospective. This coupled with the coincidence of broad linear features interpreted from airborne surveys as structural shears overlapping the area and tapering into an inlier on the Cedar Lake Pluton as well as the proximity of this project to the contact of the Cedar Lake Pluton all combine to make this a priority target area. (Caldbick, 2017)

Current Targets

Project News

Goldseek Resources Defines Gold and Base Metal Anomalies from MMI Survey at Horizon (Hemlo) Property

Goldseek Resources Intersects Base Metal Mineralization on its Horizon Property North of Hemlo

Goldseek Commences Maiden Drill Program at Horizon (Hemlo) and Property Addition

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