AMQ [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQ.CN" key="priceChange"]| AMQFF [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="currentPrice"] [stock_value ticker="AMQFF" key="priceChange"]|

Goldseek Announces 0.07% Copper Over 43.5m In Historical Reassaying At Beschefer Project

Highlights: Assay results on historical drilling (BE12-010) returned 0.04% Cu over 106.5m, including: 0.09% Cu over 18m 0.07% Cu over 43.5m Low-grade copper discovery adds base metal potential to a gold system currently being drilled with a 5.000m program  The presence of higher-grade copper in historical drilling (2.30% Cu over 2.58m in BE11-002) supports the […]

Goldseek Announces 3D Model Of Gold System At Beschefer Project

Highlights: Gold zones modelled to 500 meters at dip and 1,000 at strike open in all directions  5,000-meter drill program underway to infill and extend the known gold zones  3D model complete, which lays the foundation for a maiden resource   September 2, 2021, London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK) (FSE:4KG) (“Goldseek” or the […]

Goldseek Provides Update At Bonanza Project And Follow-up Plans

August 27, 2021, London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK) (FSE:4KG) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) has completed its follow-up plan for the Bonanza Property after receiving maiden drill results from its’ 2021 Program. Following the soil survey conducted in 2020, the Company has previously identified 3 Targets. Target 2 and Target 3 have seen limited […]

Goldseek Commences 5,000m Drill Program At Beschefer Project

Highlights: Approximately 5,000 meters of drilling is currently underway at Beschefer A combination of infill and expansion targets are planned with a focus on extending the historical high-grade zones (55.63 g/t gold over 5.57 metres; 10.28 g/t gold over 8.00 metres, and 12.40 g/t gold over 3.78 metres) August 19, 2021, London, Ontario – Abitibi […]

Goldseek Commences 5,000m Drill Program At Beschefer Project

Highlights: Approximately 5,000 meters of drilling currently underway at Beschefer A combination of infill and expansion targets are planned with a focus on extending the historical high-grade zones (55.63 g/t gold over 5.57 metres; 10.28 g/t gold over 8.00 metres, and 12.40 g/t gold over 3.78 metres) August 07, 2021, London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals […]

Goldseek Resources Commences its Summer Program at Val D’or North

Highlights: Plans for follow-up soil (till) and prospecting program on 4 targets at Val D’Or North Project nearby recent M&A in the district Target 3 has the highest calculated ppb Au values (295ppb, 380ppb, and 1747ppb Au) and the highest total gold grain count (125 and 165 total grains), indicating a probable proximal source to […]

Goldseek Resources Announces 3D Modelling and Next Steps for Beschefer Project

May 5th, 2021 – TheNewswire – London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK.CN) (FSE:4KG) (OTC:GSKKF) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce its development strategy for the Beschefer Project, which is under a 100% earn-in agreement with Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (see news release dated March 3rd, 2021).  The best intersections on the Property include 55.63 g/t gold over 5.57 metres; […]

Goldseek Resources Defines Gold and Base Metal Anomalies from MMI Survey at Horizon (Hemlo) Property

Highlights: Numerous MMI soil anomalies adding two newly identified targets to the Project. Target D is a base metals anomaly with gold pathfinder elements on the Goldseek & Barrick Gold border which will be of priority for our follow-up Summer program. April 27, 2021 – TheNewswire – London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CNSX:GSK.CN) (FSE:4KG) (OTC:GSKKF) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) is pleased to […]

Goldseek Resources Announces Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Under the Symbol 4KG

April 6, 2021 – TheNewswire – London, Ontario – Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE:GSK)  (FSE:4KG) (CNSX:GSK.CN) (“Goldseek” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its common shares are now listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (“FSE”) under the trading symbol 4KG. The Company has been assigned a German Securities Identification Number (WKN: A2P1L9) and an International Identification Number (ISIN: CA38150J1066). Goldseek’s President […]